Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Sick Blog Server

Yay! The Blogspot is back! The past day and a half the server has been acting up and I haven't been able to post anything. I guess the Blog got the same cold that Einar came down with. I'm pasting in the entry that I wrote the other day and am including those pictures as well.

Today Einar was feeling much better. I kept him off of the vitamin T and he did well all day. We went on our Dana Point walk this morning and then to the commissary to get some more milk and a few other groceries before heading home for his nap. Since he has stopped nursing in the past two weeks, those trips to the grocery store to stock up on milk have been happening more frequently.

When he woke up from his nap, we took our visiting next-door neighbor (remember Linda who rode the train with us to Los Angeles in November?) to the mall to do some shopping and play in the kid area. The mall here has a great play area for little guys that Einar really enjoyed walking around and visiting with all of the people and kids. It was fun watching him walk around like a drunk (those legs still don't bend like more practiced legs when they walk) with another kid his age and then walk around to visit with the bigger kids and even try to scale another mom. Before I reigned him in for a snack of his own, he even snagged a kid's chocolate chip cookie and then knocked over the kid's stroller when the cookie and kid were taken away from him. Either I need to feed him more frequently or offer him more chocolate chip cookies. I guess I need a bit more practice at this mothering gig.

Well, I've tried to upload the photos three times, but I guess the blog is still recovering. I'll still include what I wrote yesterday.

Written yesterday:

Our little guy hasn't been too photogenic the past few days. I sincerely doubt that any of you would truly appreciate picture of him with green snot oozing from his nose. That is unfortunately an accurate description of Einar since Saturday night. He woke up on Saturday night with a full-blown cold and was pretty miserable. Since then, we've kept him home and dosed up on some Tylenol cold medicine to help him weather through. Today is the first time he's been in anything but a sleeper suit and he is wearing a turtleneck, some sweats and his orange pom-pom hat--I don't want him to get chilled.

He's feeling good enough to get into my new system for keeping the sheer volume of toys down a bit each day. I purchase 7 smaller storage boxes and divided up some of the toys like puzzles, ball games, and cars into each of these so that we can bring out a new box every day. Not a bad idea except when your kid raids the stack of storage boxes on the morning you start the program. I guess I need to store them out of site or get opaque boxes instead of tempting clear ones.

Since this is the week that the return of the swallows is being celebrated in San Juan Capistrano, I'm including some pictures of our visit to the mission last month with Lynn and Dennis. The mission is only 3 exits north of us on the freeway and has gorgeous grounds and so much history to absorb on a visit. It was a bit cold on the day we went, but the rain held off until we got back to the car. From what I read in the newspaper yesterday, the experts are predicting that the swallows will be returning a bit late this year because of the chilly weather.