On Thursday I took Soren to the Dr. for his follow-up appointment and weigh-in. He had gained 5 ounces, but still is not on the chart again. The Dr. wasn't too worried about him since he is gaining weight and in all other respects is a healthy, happy baby. She did, however, want him to start eating rice cereal and get some solids going.
That night after dinner Jared fed Soren his first bites of rice cereal that had been mixed with some tasty breastmilk. Most of it ended up on his over-sized bib and he's really good at pursing his lips when the spoon comes near. It takes a lot of practice to make a tongue swallow something that isn't liquid so we'll be encouraging him to practice daily. Next is sweet potatoes.....
Yesterday I celebrated my 34th birthday! It was a really good day. We got to sleep in until 8am and after some fruit and toast, we picked up some breakfast burritos (egg, bean, cheese and potato) at Pedro's Tacos and I took the boys to North Beach to play in the water and sand with some friends. The plan was to do special San Clemente things that I won't get to do on my birthday next year when we are back in Washington State. The water was pretty warm and Einar got very wet. Afterwards we went home for some yummy turkey spaghetti that Jared had made the night before (are you catching on to the lack of cooking being done on my birthday?) and some chocolate cupcakes that Kathleen baked for me that morning. Then we lounged around the house till Jared came home and Soren woke up from his nap. At my car wash they give free car washes on your birthday so I didn't want to miss out on that so we then took my filthy (it had been camping and to the beach) Mazda 5 to the car wash. Since it was still fairly early we went to Disneyland to spend the evening. It was so much fun! We got inside just as the parade was starting, stayed through the fireworks, and closed the place down! Einar fell asleep in the car before we'd even left the lot and we got home at 12:30am. Today we slept in.