Helping Einar and Soren fans keep tabs on them during their Adventures on the Canadian Frontier.
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Soren's First Haircut
Well, I wish I had pictures for you all of Soren getting his first haircut, but it happened so quickly that I didn't even have a chance to get the camera out. I was making dinner (baked tillapia, garlicky chard, orzo and a green salad) and Einar was out on the patio working on his "project" that he'd been working on for awhile. I had moved the kid table to the patio along with the dining room chairs so that I could clean the floors well. It had started out with just markers and paper to make a thank you note for an older boy at church who had passed on his dinosaur collection to him. It then morphed into needing some scotch tape and scissors. A little later on I had to confiscate the tape after I noticed that he was trying to tape the patio doors closed. It was probably all going a little too well out there. Anyway, at some point Soren came back in the dining room and found me in the kitchen and started grabbing my legs so I picked him up and gave him a hug and showed him what I was doing in the kitchen for dinner. Then I looked down at my chest and saw a clump of downy soft hair. It didn't take me long to figure out what had happened. Einar has been separated from his beloved scissors until he turns four (8 more days). To be honest, I knew that this was going to happen one of these days, I only wish that the original scissors that I had given him for his last birthday that promised that they couldn't cut hair would have actually been able to cut paper. Only a small clump was taken off of the top and is not enough of to take a photo. We'll be saving the paparazzi action for his official first haircut, date TBD.
This is Einar riding his new Dream Journey bike down at the golf coarse with Grandpa last week. Grandpa Lee and Grandma Jean came down for a whirl-wind visit from Mon-Fri to celebrate Grandpa's birthday. This year at Disneyland you get in free on your birthday!
Soren is just reaching for something just outside the confines of both this picture and his arm length, but it shows how he's been changing. He's now 10 months old and is starting to have some chubby cheeks!
Definitely poker faces for a game of Go Fish. Einar can now play, we are just working on holding a hand of cards to keep them hidden. I remember having trouble with that for a long time, so at the moment I'll just try to fight my urge to use the advantage of seeing his cards as much as I can. I'm not promising much, sorry Einar (and sorry Mom for posting this picture).
Soren's shirt says it all in this picture: "Who are you Calling a Turkey?"
The tracks are getting more detailed these days and Einar still spends much of his time constructing tracks and playing with the trains. Jared has figured out a system to make intricate track layouts much faster as well. Last week we had a parent-teacher conference with Mrs. Brown, Einar's teacher, and she said that he chooses to play trains during most of his free time as well. All I can say is that we've gotten some good use out of these toys since he started playing with them at 16 months and it looks like we'll be playing trains for the foreseeable future since Soren wants to do everything that Einar does.
Now they are figuring out how to play one of the many Webkinz games. Einar has a pinto pony named Dolly and I have a lion named Rudy.
The birthday boy at the Blue Bayou. Mom and Dad went early to Disneyland on Tuesday and had a tour in the morning and then we met up with them after preschool. Jared even skipped out of work a bit early to drive up and meet us all for dinner and the Fantasmic show. They learned a lot of cool stuff on the tour that ended up to be a personal tour since no one else had signed up to go.
This picture is definitely near the top of my all-time favorite pictures of Jared, not one that most would expect, but shows the Jared I get to see and love around the house here once in awhile.
Family photo, obviously we didn't plan our outfits that day.
Einar is still jazzed up after riding on the go gadget roller coaster in Toon Town--one of his new favorite rides along with Thunder Mountain Railroad.
Disneyland is even fun when you ride around the park in a stroller according to Soren.
Go Gadget Roller Coaster in Toon Town. Grandma wasn't so sure it was fun once she got on.