Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easter and time-outs

This is a picture of the bed invaders caught red-handed. We don't exactly know when Einar slipped in next to me and Soren came in when he woke up at around 5:30. He just wanted a fresh diaper and some more milk to get him through until it was wake-up time. On most mornings, Soren is a pretty good alarm clock because he wakes up for good at 7:30am. It's a good thing that we don't have a dog because our Queen-sized bed just wouldn't be big enough!

Things are getting messy around our table now that Soren wants to use the spoon and feed himself. Unless he is really hungry he won't let me shovel it into his mouth anymore. Maybe we do need a dog to help with all of the food on the floor.

Mommy left for an evening for a PTF meeting and a massage and Daddy got the kids to bed or at least to sleep. They had lots of fun playing trains. Soren even had his own tracks and engines in his pack and play.

A bit of hot chocolate to start the evening out right.

Soren with his tracks and trains. He was let out to play with the big boys once the train tracks were all constructed.

These are the two animals that grew out of the eggs that the boys got for Easter. They kind of look like they could glow in the dark because they are so bright.

Can we rent the neighbor's dog?

What?!?!?! There seems to be foil on my chocolate egg!!!

Soren really likes chocolate and couldn't wait to take the wrappers off before he started in on his Easter candy.

"What is in here?"

Looking through the Easter bunny loot.

These are the eggs that housed the alligator and dinosaur. Here they are submerged in water.

"Look, Mom. Einar is sleeping, can I wake him up?" Good luck Soren, Einar had passed out while he was sick and almost missed his dinner. I don't think even screeching by the "Eaglet" would have woken him up that night.

Soren's first time out. He came up to me and bit me in the leg while I was on the computer.