Saturday, May 23, 2009

Exercise Ogle Family Style

Here is Einar's new bicycle. It fits his long legs a whole lot better than his little bikes. However when we bought it from the neighbors it didn't have training wheels. I was super excited when I found a pair of training wheels at a garage sale (pink even!) and put them on when I got home. He then sat down to ride it and said "Mom, I'm not going anywhere." We tried a whole bunch of different things to make them work, but the training wheels are just for a bigger bike. Now he rides it while watching his television show and his favorite place to ride his new exercise bike is out on the patio looking out over the ocean.

Einar and Reeder astride "Joan" and "Bugsy" at Stepp Stables at Camp Pendleton.

"Joan" wasn't really a pony, she was a pretty big horse for a little guy to ride. She also didn't want to go around the trail so much and I had to put my whole body into tugging her forward on occasion.

Here come the cowboys. We totally dressed for the pony rides last week. We all wore our jeans and cowboy boots and hats. It was fun to actually wear my cowboy boots around a horse!

This is Joan the horse. I got to lead her and Einar around the Pony trails down at the stables on base last week. "Giddy-up, Joan!"

Soren has been getting around the playground like a pro lately. He really likes slides and I managed to catch this shot as he was coming down. I think I surprised him. He also has taken 3 steps now and has 11 teeth!