Sunday, July 05, 2009

Happy 4th of July Weekend!

Fireworks are hard to take pictures of, but Einar never tires of taking pictures of his rock collection. He keeps it by the front door and deposits the cool rocks that he brings home from his walks there upon his return. He even brought the neighbor over on Saturday to see his collection. I'm sure she recognized some of the specimens from her own front yard.

Here are the boys all dressed up to see the fireworks. Jared and I got the pajamas on them and then Einar added the neckties and cowboy boots. Adding a necktie spiffies up any outfit. I think it's kind of like when little girls add those frilly petticoats to any outfit.

We are fortunate to have the best place ever to see fireworks from just by going to the top of the neighborhood. Once you are there you have a panoramic view of San Clemente and Dana Point so you can see not only those municipal firework shows, but you can also see the ones that the Ritz shoots off from their resort at the north end of Dana Point. It's not crowded, the people who live up there blast patriotic music during the show, and it takes only 30 seconds to drive back home afterwards. Since the sun sets early here in Southern California, the fireworks start at 9pm.
To get to the top of the hill, the Cobb Family picks us up in their Ola Truck a.k.a. big gray Suburban that could fit a family of 15. Einar loves riding in the Ola Truck with Nathan and Hailey!

Jared and Soren going back home after a great fireworks show. Soren was really into the whole thing this year. Last year he was asleep in his sling the whole night. This time he sat on our laps and ooohed and aaahed just like the rest of us.