Sunday, April 04, 2010

Vancouver, Birthday and Easter

The family went up to the Vancouver Aquarium and had a fun morning.  There was plenty to see and all of the viewing areas were great for small people, like Soren, and everybody else, too.  Afterwards, it was off to Ikea for lunch and some shopping, then a return to Bellingham.

Soren turned 2 this last Tuesday!  Below is him receiving the royal treatment for the morning.

He is also happy to display his new Tonka Fire Engine, which big brother Einar was happy to help unwrap.
Soren had his 2 year doctor's check-up on Friday and he is measuring in at 3 feet tall!  Good thing Einar still has a whole foot on him.  For now.

Today is Easter Sunday, and in celebration, the guys went to church nicely coordinated, but not exactly matching.