At the age of three, Soren has given me the BEST Mother's Day gift ever--no more diapers to wash!!!!! Sunday was the first time that he went the entire day (including church and going to a movie in Marysville) wearing underwear and not getting them wet. Today he again went all day dry. The days of diapers are over!
Since February we've let him know that he will need to be wearing only underpants to go to preschool in the fall and it became even more imperative when I signed him up for summer swim lessons. The rules at that pool are that you have to be 3 and potty trained for the lessons. He started to see some value in going around without diapers when we put swimming lessons on the line. He is really enjoying the lessons that he is taking on Tuesdays and Thursdays and remembers Einar's outdoor lessons last summer.
So congratulations Soren on becoming a "Big Boy!" and entering the world of knowing where all of the bathrooms in all of the public places are found. We're excited to have you in the underpants club.