Friday, December 09, 2005

New Big Boy Shoes

Einar-elf and I went shopping this afternoon and we chose a pair of real shoes for the little guy. He wears a 3W and his little tennie-runners are soooo cute. We still have some elfing projects to do, but we had a great day and at least got the grocery shopping done as well before we came home.

Einar's cold is getting a bit better. The snotty nose isn't nearly as gooey and he hasn't been plagued by his cough today. He had lots of smiles today and even provided me with entertaining raspberries as we were walking through the crowded mall. Those two top teeth sure look like they are going to be poking through any moment, but they have yet to make an appearance.

Let's see, I know I haven't updated the blog in a few days, but not much has been happening this week. I keep putting the tupperware and toys away at night and he can get them all out again in a matter of minutes. He has been having a rough time going to bed at night. Not settling down easily and once he wakes up, he just can't go back down. He falls asleep on me okay, but the instant his head hits the mattress, it's back to square one again.

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