Yesterday was Saturday and Einar knew it from the moment that he woke up. The first thing that we heard from his bedroom yesterday was "Daddy? Daddy? Daddy?" He knew that Daddy was supposed to be home and not at work! He wasn't disappointed since Jared didn't have to go in until 8:30, so Jared went in and did the first of the morning honors and got the first smiles of the day.
It hasn't been a very exciting weekend for us. Jared has had to go into work a few times and Einar has been having some trouble with incoming teeth. Yesterday he and I just stayed in and did a bit of cleaning, but were mostly couch potatos who watched Sesame Street and Thomas. Today we went to church and then down to Del Mar Street (downtown San Clemente) for lunch and to walk around the Sunday Market. When we got home we tried to get an exhausted Einar down for a nap, but no such luck. He ended out just hanging out with Daddy on the couch and falling asleep during the last 10 minutes of the nightly news. According to Jared, he's following a proud tradition of falling asleep during television shows (Farmor).