Before we headed home to Seattle for the holidays, Einar and I made some "gingerbread" houses for our holiday decorations. He had a bunch of fun glueing on the graham crackers and candies onto the milk cartons and even waited to eat the candy until his house was fully decorated. We had fun making it snow with powdered sugar after they were done too. Once they were complete, so was our holiday decorating in San Clemente--only one string of lights in the dining room and the houses on the table.
Last week we also spent an afternoon and evening at Disneyland soaking up the holidays Disney-style. Everything was decorated and Sleeping Beauty's Castle had snow and white lights all over it. Of course Einar had to see the princesses and tell about what he'd been up to. We left the park before the fire works, but managed to see them from the parking structure. That turned out to be a great decision so that we didn't have to be a part of the mass exodus from the park when it closed 5 minutes after the fireworks were over. Einar was asleep within 5 minutes of getting on the southbound freeway that night.
The other pictures are of him "ringing" the bells for a church program that the Wednesday night music classes did last Sunday. We were a few minutes late since we were to show up an hour early and Einar missed his part of the program, but he did stand around like he was doing something. He didn't seem to notice that he'd missed the opportunity and I'm not sure exactly how much more singing and ringing we would have gotten out of him to begin with. He sure does like his 15 minutes of music class on Wednesdays at church and has been practicing Jingle Bells for several weeks now.
Check out his Disneyland outfit too. He is so proud of his "new to him" Princess shirt and that he put on his green fleece shirt all by himself (so what if it is upside down!).