Now that all of the bags are unpacked, the laundry is done and we've settled back into our little routines around the house, it's back to the blog.
Some of the highlights from our Seattle trip included making it to three of Tor and Jess's Thursday Soup nights, Riding the new South Lake Union Street Car 2X, taking the Metro bus downtown and going to the market to get a salmon and some crumpets for our New Year's celebration, going to the Everett Imagine Children's Museum 2X, going to play gym and out to lunch with cousin Sammy and Poppa and FarMor, reading each day from Sherm and Mary's big basket of Christmas stories, attending the Nutcracker Ballet with Tor, Jess, and Daddy Grandpa and Little Grandpa, meeting the real Red Robin at Nicola's restaurant, going to Kirkland's Eastside Train Depot 2X to see all of the amazing model trains that they have, and catching the Christmas Crud that kept us down for a week or so and encouraged all of us to take our daily naps.
You might notice the new tennis shoes. Of course Einar picked the Princess shoes and wouldn't take them off after trying them on. They are size 10 1/2 and with the velcro he can put them on all by himself. He also jumps and hops around to make the red lights flash. They've definitely added a spring in his step. He's very proud of the lights.
He also picked up some new skills while he was in Seattle. He is great at putting the raisins in the gingerbread men before they go in the oven. With his Christmas construction gear he helped Daddy Grandpa make a bridge support in the basement workroom. He can also now cut down Christmas trees as well as help decorate them (just don't be too attached to ANY of the ornaments that you put onto the tree since they are all balancing on the precarious edge of disaster while in the presence of Einar during the holidays). He's also taken an interest in playing the piano and can now play "Rock" with Steve.