Jared's deployment is almost over! We're counting down the days now that Einar can fit them all onto his two hands. He's also looking forward to making a banner for the homecoming.
No new pictures this morning, sorry. Just a cranky three year old who was sent back to bed this morning and asked to come back and join us when he can be nice and listen. He slept pretty well last night, but I think we still might be doing some catch-up. I hope he actually falls asleep down there, but that's probably just wishful thinking on my part.
Soren is taking his morning snooze now despite Einar's best efforts to wake him. Little guy has been having some great awake time (at 2am last night) and lots more smiles. He's even been "talking" a bit more when he has our attention.
Yesterday Einar spent the morning at "school" on base. It is a daycare that has drop-in hourly care available if they have room. He was a bit nervous when I dropped him off, but when I came back to pick him up after lunch he told me that he'd had a great day. The rest of the day I would continue to get snip-its about what he'd done at school. They sang train songs, read a bunny book and then hopped like rabbits, and ate pancakes for breakfast with white milk. I still don't know what they ate for lunch except for chocolate milk that had a submarine on the carton.
Well, I'm going to go downstairs and check on Einar. Have a great Memorial Day Weekend everyone!