Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year!

The monsters from the new monster bowling game hopped into the Barbie car and went for a spin. I think they prefer that over being knocked over in by a monster "bowling" ball.

This is a very tired boy who fell asleep in my chair after going for a Polar Bear swim with me in the afternoon on New Year's day. After we came home, he and Jared were watching a Faith Hill Christmas song special and warming up again and he zonked out. He is now zonked out again as I write this on the floor outside his bedroom door. Quiet time got to him I guess! I'll post a picture in the next update.

After the swim. Soren opted to just go as a warm frog. The pool is heated year-round, it's just the outside that isn't.

Watching crazy brother and Mom swim in the pool on New Year's Day.

A jump into the deep-end to start it off right! The actual plunge was much better than I was anticipating. It was nice and warm as long as you kept your body under water.

Einar dressed in layers to walk down to the pool. I think it's the first time he's worn his ski gloves this winter. There wasn't anyone else from our neighborhood at the pool. All the folks that were playing golf on the little course thought we were a bit crazy I think. Not as crazy as jumping in the Pacific though, Einar vetoed that Polar Bear option.