Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Solution for Tupperware Storage!

For those of you that have known me for awhile, you probably knew that I had a Tupperware storage problem. It began a few years back when I was having too much fun going to and hosting Tupperware parties. I can't deny that it's a great product, but when you start throwing surprise Tupperware parties for your uncle's birthday, you have a problem and probably don't need the extra Tupperware kicking around. When we moved down here, all of these fabulous containers were on the patio in two cardboard boxes waiting for a suitable home while my books were being destroyed by a gnawing 8-month-old in the bookshelf in the living room. Einar finds taking books off shelves and chewing on them fascinating. My clever husband finally figured out a solution--turn it into a Tupperware shelf! No more books, just easy-access to the Tupperware for both the cooks in the family and the little guy. It has provided Einar with hours of non-destructive entertainment already and is quite easy to clean up as well.

Today the guys hung out for awhile while I went out to the library to get my new library card, Starbucks for a latte, and to the area community centers to find out what kind of things are available around here. They had a good morning and were still out getting lattes themselves when I got home. I'm including some pictures of the clouds that we've had the past few days too. We've had lots of rain accompanied by thunder and lightning storms. I actually had to wear a coat a few times this week!

Yesterday we decided to travel to Seattle next week to visit everyone. Christmas just seemed too far away and we want to see Einar's new cousin before she gets too big (So hurry up and get born, little Sammy!). We'll see you soon!

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