MMMMM I'm eating a Jared-created Waffle Panini breakfast sandwich while I write this. It's great with ham, egg, and cheese! I love weekends since there is always great food being made around here. Einar is still asleep and we are getting our things together for an overnight outing to the Lake Perris and the Palm Springs area to ride the aerial tram.
On Friday, Einar went to the dentist again and got a clean bill of health for his teeth. It wasn't as traumatic as our first visit, but there was still lots of crying and struggling during his cleaning and flouride treatment. We'd been talking it up all week and practicing what would happen during the daily tooth brushing sessions, but that only went so far to help in real life. For his prize after the exam he chose two little rubber animals that you can see him play with on the grass. He also was excited about the green balloon that the Dr.'s wife gave him on the way out.
The day before the dentist we had a dramatic carrot ordeal during lunch. Einar really likes carrot sticks and I had given him a couple with his lunch. Things were going well until I went to the bathroom. When I returned to the table to finish my lunch Einar was wimpering a bit and doing a bit of sniffing. Everything looked normal until I caught him trying to put a grape bone up his nose. That was when I realized that he had stuck a bit of carrot up his nose and it was beyond where I could easily get it out. Thankfully, Kathleen and her kids hadn't gone down for afternoon naps yet and I was able to take him down to her place where we used a bulb syringe (the nose thing that you use on babies) with some warm salt water to flush out the carrot. Just shot the water up the unobstructed nostril and the carrot came out. It was horrible for Einar who hates having anyone mess with his nose and had to be held down on his side. Kathleen had a little lollipop for him afterwards which helped to dry up the tears. He slept really well that afternoon.