Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Einar's Tour of Trees

Well, since we are still within the 12 Days of Christmas and it's not Epiphany yet, I present you with "Einar's Tour of Trees." While we were in Seattle for the holidays, Einar visited many gorgeous trees and we wanted to showcase them on the blog.

I know that those of you who check the site on a regular basis have a good reason to wonder where I've been the last few days. We got home safely, but extremely late on Sunday night after a really bumpy ride on the airplane. Monday brought a Pacific storm to the area with tons of horizontal rain and an urge to just hunker down in fuzzy fleece and snuggle up in our home. Miraculously, the sun and blue sky returned on Tuesday with no sign of the previous day's storm except for all of the palm tree debris in the streets. Today Jared returned to work and Einar and I enjoyed a gorgeous shorts and t-shirt day by doing some laundry, taking a walk, and then sitting out in our front yard for awhile with a book for me and a nap in the stroller for the little guy.

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