Friday, November 18, 2005

9 month check-up

Einar is doing well at 9 months, but I could have told you that before we went to the doctor today. It was our first visit to the Navy Hospital on Camp Pendleton, but certainly won't be our last I'm sure. It was quite a rough visit for the little guy with an intrusive thermometer, tongue depressors, ear checks, and two shots. Then it was off to the lab for a finger poke to make sure that he's getting enough iron in his diet. We also picked up a prescription to help with some crazy diaper rash that is a result of loose bms all week. I'm not supposed to worry too much about the diahhrea and just keep him on a BRAT (banana's rice, applesauce, and toast) diet for awhile. Then it was off to another part of base to get flu shots for the both of us. My band-aid is pretty plain compared to Einar's Garfield and Tasmanian Devil band-aids. We also picked up the turkey for Thanksgiving and Einar was examining it closely before I put it in the fridge. Oh, he weighs 20lbs 6 oz which puts him about 50th percentile and he's off the charts for height. Still taking after his father.

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