Monday, November 21, 2005

A Real For Real Babysitter for Einar

Last night the daughter of Jared's First Sergeant, Venita, came over and watched Einar for the evening. Jared and I went to a special fundraising event at the mall (hey, isn't every evening at the mall a fundraising event?) that they have every year before the holidays. Organizations like South Orange County Family Resource Center and NPR sell $10 tickets and they get the majority of that money while the mall gets extra business, has entertainment all night and raffle prizes, merchants have specials, etc. We certainly could have taken the little guy, but it was great to have Venita come and watch him while we cruised the mall.

Einar had a good time at home. He took advantage of the constant attention and needed lots of snuggling last night. He ate well and when we came home, they were on the couch, Einar finally worn out and sleeping soundly. His outfit is a result of him really not wanting to get dressed.

The table and chairs are coming along well. We've already done 2 coats of the stain and think that we'll leave it the color that it is now. Next is the top coat and Einar and I are heading to the store this afternoon to get a couple new foam brushes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Karla And Jared!

Your table and chairs are coming along beautifully! Must be nice to live in a part of the nation that has sun streaming through the windows to work by. I have been getting plenty of use out of my bike light, both getting to and from work. Sucks.

Say hi to einar for me, Tor.