Sunday, November 27, 2005

Einar Lends a Helping Hand

We had a relaxing weekend at home after Thanksgiving which is a good thing considering the amount of sleep that we have been able to get this week. Einar's top two teeth look like they are trying to make an appearance and I sure hope that they come quickly and give him some relief.

Saturday night we went to San Clemente's Downtown Putting on the Glitz Christmas season kick-off. We wandered up and down Del Mar Avenue (the street with all of the little shops and boutiques as well as the community center and library) looking at all of the holiday displays as well as the winter fashions that were being modeled. There were people actually wearing winter boots, wool coats, scarves, hats, and such when it has been only in the upper 50's at night and in the 70's during the day! Of course we also saw folks wearing t-shirts and shorts too. The lines were a bit long for the santa pictures especially with a teething tot, so we just meandered and then came home for some tea and the last bit of the sweet potato cheesecake.

This morning, Einar was helping me by checking out my ski boots. I know I won't need them in San Clemente, but we are travelling to Seattle from the 19th till the 1st and Jared wants to bring along out ski stuff. He's been dying to hit the slopes this year. I guess after 4 years of constant snow and skiing during the winter, a winter in Iraq makes a guy yearn for snow.

The next pictures are of Einar helping Jared put away the dishes. He's intrigued by the dishwasher as well as what he can pull out of the bottom shelves in the refrigerator when the door is open.

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